Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Yea, Uncle J, you ran the whole way!

Christian's brother Jason ran the San Juan Solstice 50 last weekend. 50 miles. Not just any 50 miles...50 back country miles with some miles at 13, 000 feet above sea level. A pretty gnarly race for those who normally do other ultra marathons...and quite the accomplishment for J, who had never even run a marathon. The first part of the race crosses a creek 8 times. Since this was such a big snow year, the water was very high and swift (waist deep). After climbing 4,000 feet, the trail runs along the Continental Divide for a while and then drops back in the trees before climbing another 1,700 feet at mile 43 and then descending all the way into town for the last four miles or so. There were about 150 runners. I volunteered at the 40 mile aid station, which was at 11,000 feet (right before the last climb). I always look forward to this race because I am so amazed at what some bodies can do; however, I was particularly into it this year since Jason was running. I was rather inspired by his accomplishment and went out and ran a hard and fast 6 miles the next day. I must say that if we don't move and I don't get pregnant again, I will definitely consider training for this event next year. Jason thinks I could do it. What do I think? Well, I know I could run a strong mountain 10 miles because I did a few weeks ago...but 50? Anyone want to join us?


nick, robyn and taylor said...

Yes, I think you could do it. No, I do not want to join you.

H. Pierre Schlomo Presley said...

I now have an adventurer's moustache, which qualifies me for killing boar with bare hands, barenuckle boxing, and darning pantaloons (sadly 50 mile mountain runs aren't included)