Monday, February 23, 2009

Hey, Mister, throw me something!

Anyone got a hankering for a moon pie? From an NPR story today: "You can throw 'em real far, they don't hurt too bad when they hit you in the head, and you can eat 'em." Well, you could, but does anyone actually eat them? Maybe the same guy who wears the beads to work the next day. Happy Mardi Gras y'all! (And, for the record, I much prefer the King Cake.)


Andrew said...

Happy Mardi Gras to you as well. You can keep the moon pies to yourself :D

nick, robyn and taylor said...

Yep, I eat them, but only the chocolate ones.

H. Pierre Schlomo Presley said...

blech. moon pies are chocolate-covered sawdust.