Wednesday, July 22, 2009

"Where's my baby?"

...this is what Priya says when she can't find Levi. I am sharing him with her, as I vowed I would do. Thankfully, he's a hefty little guy so she can't try to walk around with him. 

I better get to my I ran 5 miles, walked 2, and stood in my doorway for way too long talking with a Jehovah's witness. I found a bunch of info on a great website about their absurd, I'll be better prepared next time. Needless to say, the laundry is piling up and we're eating leftovers for dinner. Stay tuned...coming soon...why my husband is not allowed to drive a truck to Gunnison anymore...


Donna said...

Oh my goodness look at that little chunk of sugar!!! He IS A DOLLBABY! I love a squishy baby!! I can't believe you are running so far so soon! Amazing. I just started running YESTERDAY and went run/walk/run/walk for 20 minutes and thought I was something else. Now I know that in fact, YOU are something else.

Abbie said...

he is ridiculously cute. I'm glad priya finally got a live baby of her very own.
sounds like christian is in the doghouse. get on with the storytelling.

Joanne Brandt said...

Levi's smile just melts you away! Give hugs to Priya and Silas for us. I've started painting...