Saturday, April 4, 2009

Caught you

Priya has taken to organizing the silverware drawer. Thank goodness someone in this family has taken on that task! Christian is skiing at Crested Butte today with some local teenagers. And, we're all anticipating the coming of Dan and Amy's second child (due date is tomorrow).

Whenever someone asks me, "Are you ready for the next baby," I answer with a hearty "No." I am still overwhelmed by having two little ones. I am excited about meeting the new family member...but I have no idea how I will handle the day to day of three kids. From what I hear from other moms with big families, you just learn to cope. I don't think this is abnormal. No matter how "ready" you think you are for parenthood (of any number of children), you soon learn there is no way to fully prepare. In related news, Priya's baby is coming out "in just a minute" and Silas's baby is kicking him in the ribs and still likes lollypops.


Andrew said...

I can't wait to see the whole extended Hartman clan this summer! Looks like Priya is growing up!

nick, robyn and taylor said...

How cute that they have their own babies and that they talk about them. Good thing that you have Priya to help you stay organized! :) And are those big girl undies she's wearing?
I'll be praying for the Lord to prepare your heart and your mind for your new addition. He will give you the grace you need and His mercies are new every morning.


Donna said...

I love that phrase God doesn't call the equipped, he equips the called. I think that especially applies in mommyhood! And at least sweet Priya is potty trained!

Todd and Noelle said...

Fun to see your updates.

Tell me again when your due date is??

I have been feeling a little overwhelmed lately, too...holding onto the grace of Christ!

The Burgess family said...

We'll pray that baby #3 is easy on you. it can get a little chaotic with 3 kids, but you just get into a routine and teach the older two how to "help" and do things for themselves more (as you were saying in the park on monday), and it gets do-able fairly quickly. And of course you can give any of us a call if you need anything!