Wednesday, May 26, 2010


One year ago on May 16, Levi was born. I had eaten a huge yummy meal, drank a little wine, debated about calling the midwife, decided I should, crawled into the tub, and an hour or so after that had a nine pound sweet boy. He has been a constant joy to all of us. 

The night of his birthday, he started sleeping through the night. (Some of you are thinking doesn't that happen at 8 weeks? But, my others were closer to 16 months). The next day, he started really walking AND cut his first tooth. He's been using the potty since 11 months, but is now going every time I put him on! I'm sleeping more and washing less diapers and carrying him a little less. Yeah, for ONE!

***Yes, the last photo looks more like a picture from a 21st birthday than a 1st, but I had to share the "cake drunk" look with you.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

We go together like...

I have many events about which to post: our trip to Alabama, our growing flock of chickens, Levi's first birthday. However, I'll put those off a few more days. Tonight I'm in the mood for a food post. Christian and I recently watched Julie and Julia, which I found to be an entertaining and thoughtful movie that also induced a serious case of the munchies! 

I was struck by the line Julia spoke to her husband, "You're the butter to my bread."

Now, I don't eat bread (I've discovered my body doesn't happily metabolize refined carbs) and very seldom eat butter, but I immediately thought of other food combinations that characterize marital intimacy. And, I also wondered what food combos you might relish (we're talking food, two, period.)

Here is what I might say instead, "You are the chocolate to my coffee; the cheese to my eggs; the brie to my blackberries; and the basil to my tomatoes (please note I mean only homegrown basil and tomatoes); the olive oil to my garlic..."

I made a cake for Levi's birthday tonight that was layered: one vanilla layer, one chocolate, with cinnamon cream cheese icing and a cinnamon stencil on top. (Priya "assisted" me.) So, I'll have to add chocolate and cinnamon to my list of favorite combos. 

So, how about you? What two food items do you think can't live without one another?