Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Silas hiked to the summit of Uncompahgre Mountain last weekend.  At 14, 314 feet Uncompahgre is the 6th highest mountain in Colorado, but the highest peak on the Western slope. We did not set out thinking he would hike the whole way (and half way down), but he kept trotting along the trail and up the rocky scramble to the peak. Christian held his hand some, but Silas did the walking. From the trailhead to the peak is 2.5 miles. So we think he hiked about 4 total miles. (Ok, so I'm impressed with my child.) 
We've had a couple of rocky, emotional days since last Saturday, but all in all, he enjoyed the adventure. Everyone has been congratulating him, but I don't think he understands the weight of his accomplishment as of yet. The group of fifty-year-old men, whom Silas passed on the trail, kept taking his photo while wiping their brows. 


Unknown said...

The harder the climb, the greater the number of photo breaks.

Abbie said...

I think I hate him.

Donna said...

I for one am impressed. There is no way I could hike that far without much complaining and snackage.