Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Welcome, Cian Patrick

Well, my Lake City buddy Amy Jo brought forth a beautiful baby boy early last Saturday morning. Cian (pronounced Kee-an) was born at home after a long difficult labor and weighed 7 pounds. His Irish daddy, "Lucky", was a great labor partner. I was blessed to be able to attend the birth along with two midwives. What an amazing process. I'm proud of my friends for their hard work and commitment to natural birth.


The Burgess family said...

Impressive! Did you have your kids at home too? I'm a hospital girl myself, by necessity if it weren't by choice (another reason we're not really planning on any more kiddos). Congrats to Amy Jo and Lucky! Can't wait to meet little Cian :)

christian and amanda said...

yes, we did home births with both our kiddos. Silas was born in the water and Priya was born 1/2 born in the water.