Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Recent photos

So, our first of the month photos are beginning to be mid-month photos. 

I have lots to say, but not much time to blog. Today was an interesting day, I took a pointless 40 minute drive before 6:30 am; went for a run; heard of a friend's engagement; saw someone at the town park that I had met one time in West Virginia; made bread, kolachis, cinnamon rolls, and a quiche; watched it pour rain and hail; and um, blogged.

Silas and Priya now make their own beds and get dressed every morning. Silas rode his bike to the Post Office basically by himself today. (I was walking waaaay behind). When I got there, he told me that three people had spoken to him and asked about his baby brother and....he ANSWERED them all. For those of you who don't know him, this is a BIG step. We're getting ready for school to start next week. I am a little apprehensive, but the kids are nothing but excited. Next up....first day of school photos.


Unknown said...

So that was the girl?!?! How weird!

Joanne Brandt said...

THANKS-THANKS-THANKS for posting these photos of ALL the kids (including Silas)! So enjoyed talking to you and Priya and Silas and we so miss seeing you all. That is a precious photo of Priya and Elliot. Give all a hug from Bud and JoJo.