Friday, January 23, 2009

January--the rest of the story

Honestly after the rush of the holidays, the normal life was well, easy, and a bit boring. However, probably in my pride of thinking things were going really well, and, wow, I am really good at this household management stuff....I had sort of an emotional breakdown last week sometime, completely overwhelmed by the children, the pregnancy, and cooking dinner. It was just too much. So, my husband ordered me out of the house and on a solo vacation to a spa/resort for the weekend. Boy, he's tough on me! For two nights and two days...I completed all my thoughts, prayed,  crocheted my son a hat, ate wonderful food that somebody else cooked, read, walked eight miles, went to a hot springs, and, yes, got a massage. I was so refreshed!! When I returned the washing machine was still broken and I got the stomach flu, which is, hmmm, unpleasant at 25 weeks pregnant. I have since recovered, as has the washer. Here's a few recent pictures of the kids. 

Let the games begin...we're potty training Priya, shown here doing a little panty jig.
Priya is also learning to dress up. This is her attempt to look like a crazy bag-lady, I suppose.
We got a new shipment of the material with which I make rugs. The kids have played with this box for days.


Donna said...

Glad you got away- even for a moment! This third pregnancy was the first time I had a real breakdown- and I never cry. I think our hormones are crazy when we've had three kids in such a short time. Hope you are feeling better from being sick! Yay for Priya potty training- potty over here- potty over there- wave your hands in the air- shake your derriere.

--Shelley said...

I remember having some time away only to come home and get sick. It is like punishment or something. Not really, it is just such a killjoy. Glad you and the washer are better. And so glad that Christian recognized your needs and met them. Awesome! Maybe one day we can all go do that together!!!

Ashley, Bronson, Jackson, and Ellis Lee said...

Yay for sweet husbands!! I had a stomach virus when I was pregnant with Ellis - twice - and I thought I was going to die both times. Well that is a little bit dramatic but it stinks. I hope your kids managed to not get it. Glad you are feeling better. Your kids are so adorable and I love Priya's red cheeks - it reminds me of you :)

Christy said...

i'm so glad you got away and are feeling better!
I don't know how you amazing moms do it- honestly i don't. I can barely keep my little life together and here you all are keeping mulitple lives together, and doing it all with grace and joy in the journey.
y'all are my heroes! xoxochristy