Wednesday, April 14, 2010

putting the A-R-T in HARTMAN

I used to paint some, quilt, sew, photograph, and write. As of late, I am mastering the culinary and domestic arts, but my kiddos seem interested in creating lovely masterpieces. (To be fair to myself, I do own a weaving business that provides some creative outlet. But, I probably spend more creative energy trying to get all the dishes packed into the dishwasher,)

Silas made a very careful study of the top of a head with hair using the medium of play-doh (recipe to follow).
Levi dumped out a mostly empty bag of Kix that he stumbled upon and scrawled in the dust, quite proud of himself indeed.
Priya has been experimenting with fashion design. (Most of the time she ends up looking like a bag lady...lots of hats, scarfs, mittens, Mardi Gras beads.) However, she snapped this photo of me while using a camera for the first time. I hardly ever make an appearance on the blog, but now that there are other qualified photographers in the family, maybe you'll see me saying cheese more often.
She also took this mystery shot. It took me about 15 minutes to figure out what in the world she had captured. We have an enlarged 1950s photo of Times Square in our kitchen that she caught the corner of.

  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 cup warm water
  • 2 teaspoons cream of tartar
  • 1 teaspoon oil
  • 1/4 cup salt
  • food coloring

Mix all ingredients, adding food coloring last. Stir over medium heat until smooth. Remove from pan and knead until blended smooth. Place in plastic bag or airtight container when cooled. Will last for a long time.

 Noelle, mine has not molded yet, perhaps because it is cooked? You never know what kids are adding when they play, however.

1 comment:

Todd and Noelle said...

i love the creativity!

my play-doh recipe is the same.'re right, maybe the kids are adding something!